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January 4, 2023

Top 8 Best Surrogacy Centre in Gurgaon 2023

Top 8 Best Surrogacy Centre in Gurgaon

With changing lifestyle in India, many things are also changing. The negative impact of it is increasing the infertility rate in couples. Through this article, we will give you information on the best surrogacy centre in Gurgaon. Surrogacy is one of the medical solutions for infertility.

Surrogacy post

Why should you trust SELECT IVF for surrogacy in Gurgaon?

  • First-stage top counseling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for surrogacy treatment in Gurgaon
  • Sky-high surrogacy success rates in Gurgaon
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +91- 9899293903

Infertility is when a couple could not have a biological child even after continuous attempts for years. Often infertility connected to women but Infertility is found in men and women.

Female Infertility is a health issue where a woman is unable to conceive naturally.  Even if she gets pregnant but experiences miscarriages, it is also identified as infertility. Male infertility is when the sperm of a man is not in a healthy state to fertilize a woman’s egg.

What are the causes of female infertility?

Female infertility can be caused because of many reasons

  • Age: a woman is born with limited eggs, as the age increases, the amount and quality of egg decreases that could create difficulties in achieving pregnancy.
  • Fallopian tube: the egg passes from the ovaries to the uterus through the fallopian tube. If there is a blockage in the fallopian tube, it can develop a barrier in the process and as a result, it can cause infertility in a woman.
  • Hormone imbalance: hormonal imbalance leads to irregularity in ovulation. Ovulation is a duration where the fertility of a woman is higher than on other days. At that time ovary releases an egg into the fallopian tube. This process occurs every month. If there is an irregularity in ovulation or no ovulation, it causes infertility in a woman.

What are the causes of male infertility?

Below given are some of the major reasons for male infertility:

  • Hormonal imbalance: hormonal imbalance such as low testosterone level. The low level of testosterone can cause erectile dysfunction and low libido in a man that is one of the reasons for male infertility.
  • Sexual infection: infections can affect the health of sperm or sperm growth. Some severe infections can permanently damage the testicular.
  • Ejaculation dysfunction: during orgasm when semen collected into the bladder instead of coming out of the penis tip is known as ejaculation dysfunction.

How does surrogacy help in infertility treatment?

Surrogacy is considered the last hope for couples suffering from infertility. In surrogacy, the success rate is higher than in other fertility treatments. Once the surrogate mother conceives successfully through the procedure the success rate of the treatments reached up to 95%.

In the surrogacy procedure, the embryo formed by combining the intended father’s sperm or donor sperm and the intended mother’s egg or donor egg is implanted into the birth mother or surrogate mother’s uterus to form a pregnancy. Then surrogate carries the baby for the couple in her womb for nine months. For that, the couple pays her a suitable amount of fee.

Out of traditional and gestational method of surrogacy, the gestational method is legal in India. In the gestational method of surrogacy, the birth mother is not biologically related to the child whereas in the traditional method the child will be biologically related to the birth mother.

Top 10 best surrogacy centre in Gurgaon

Many fertility centres in India claim to be the best in surrogacy treatment but not every centre is genuine. In this article, we are going to mention the genuinely best surrogacy centre in Gurgaon who are offering world-class treatment at a reasonable cost. Below is the list of the top 8 best surrogacy centre in Gurgaon:

  1. Select IVF India
  2. World Fertility Services
  3. Go IVF Surrogacy
  4. We Care IVF Surrogacy
  5. Dynamic fertility and IVF centre
  6. Indira IVF
  7. Cloudnine fertility
  8. Medicover fertility

1. Select IVF India – best surrogacy centre in Gurgaon

Select IVF
Select IVF

Select IVF India is the destination for economical fertility treatments. Its treatments vary from basic to advance fertility treatments. Select IVF India is one of the leading fertility centres in Gurgaon serving infertile couples for years.

The centre has a team of experienced fertility experts and staff who are working day and night for serving the best treatment to all the clients. The cost of the treatments at select IVF India is reasonable without any hidden charges. Below are the details of surrogacy at the Best surrogacy centre in Gurgaon with a success rate.

  • Type of surrogacy method: gestational method
  • Surrogacy cost: INR10,00,000 – 12,00,000
  • Success rate: 85%
  • Website:

2. World fertility services – best surrogacy clinic in Gurgaon


World fertility services (WFS) has fulfilled the dream of many infertile couples till now. The superb quality of services and the accessible price is the key factor of the clinic that attracts the couples across the world. World fertility services is providing varieties of fertility treatments such as

  • IVF,
  • ICSI,
  • IUI,
  • IVF for HIV patients,
  • Egg freezing,
  • Surrogacy and so on

Below are the details of surrogacy at the best surrogacy clinic in Gurgaon with a success rate.

3. Go IVF surrogacy – Best Surrogacy Centre in Gurgaon

Best Surrogacy Centre in Mumbai

Go IVF surrogacy in Gurgaon is one of the best fertility clinics in Gurgaon. The clinic always makes sure that it works ethically and never plays with the sentiments of its clients by doing fake promises to them just to earn profits. The treatments provided by Go IVF Surrogacy are:

  • ICSI
  • IUI
  • IVF
  • Surrogacy and so on

Given below are details of surrogacy at the best surrogacy centre in Gurgaon with a success rate. 

  • Type of surrogacy method: gestational
  • Surrogacy cost: INR10,00,000-13,00,000
  • Success rate: NA
  • Website:

4. We Care IVF Surrogacy – Best Surrogacy Centre in Gurgaon

Wecare IVF – best IVF centre in Nepal
Wecare IVF Surrogacy

We care IVF surrogacy is in this field since 2010. Their top-notch quality of treatments has helped them reach the list of best surrogacy centre in Gurgaon.  If you are planning for becoming a biological parent and suffering from infertility, we care IVF surrogacy is the destination. The centre has guided many childless couples in choosing the right and appropriate treatment for them according to the fertility condition.  It offers varieties of fertility treatment including surrogacy. Given below are the details of surrogacy at the best surrogacy centre in Gurgaon and its success rate.

  • Type of surrogacy method: gestational
  • Surrogacy cost: INR12,00,000-15,00,000
  • Success rate: 95%
  • Website:

5. Dynamic Fertility and IVF Centre – Best Surrogacy Clinic in Gurgaon

Dynamic Fertility Gurgaon

Dynamic fertility and IVF centre is the leading fertility centre in Delhi and Gurgaon. It has the best and experienced team of doctors treating infertile couples for so many years. The treatments provided by them have a high success rate. Here is the list of the treatments provided by Dynamic fertility centre:

  • IVF
  • IUI
  • ICSI
  • IMSI
  • IVF for HIV patients
  • Frozen embryo transfer
  • Cryopreservation
  • IVF with egg donor
  • Male infertility
  • Surrogacy

Given below is the detail of surrogacy at the best surrogacy clinic in Gurgaon with a success rate:

  • Type of surrogacy method: gestational
  • Surrogacy cost: INR12,00,000-15,00,000
  • Success rate: NA
  • Website:

6. Indira IVF, Gurgaon – Best Surrogacy Clinic in Gurgaon


Indira IVF is in this field for almost 40 years. They have a huge range of fertility treatments available at the clinic. The professional team of doctors works closely with the patients to provide them customized treatment according to the patients need.  Here is the list of treatment provided by Indira IVF

  • IUI
  • ICSI
  • Infertility workup
  • In Vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • Laser-assisted hatching
  • Cryopreservation
  • Donor Programme
  • Blastocyst Culture and Transfer
  • Laproscopy & Hysteroscopy
  • Sonography
  • Preimplantation Genetic Testing

7. Cloudnine Fertility, Gurgaon – best surrogacy clinic in Gurgaon

Best Ivf Clinic In Gurgaon 2020

Cloud nine fertility clinic in Gurgaon examine every patient in detail so that the chances of successful treatment could be increased more than before.  They started their fertility services in Gurgaon in 2015. Till now they have treated hundreds of patients suffering from fertility health issues. Here is the list of treatment:

  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
  • Laser-Assisted Hatching (LAH)
  • DNA Fragmentation Index Of Sperm (DFI)
  • Surrogacy and so on

Given below is the detail of surrogacy at the best surrogacy clinic in Gurgaon with a success rate:

  • Type of surrogacy method: gestational
  • Surrogacy cost: NA
  • Success rate: NA
  • Website:

8. Medicover fertility – best surrogacy clinic in Gurgaon


Medicover fertility is a Europe based healthcare provider. They started their journey of fertility treatments in India in 2016. With a team of skilled fertility experts and staffs, the clinic is providing Europe standard fertility treatment in Gurgaon, India.  Here is the list of the treatments offered by medicover fertility:

  • IVF with Donor Embryos
  • Fertility Preservation
  • IUI
  • IVF
  • IVF with Donor Egg
  • Surrogacy

Given below is the detail of surrogacy at the best surrogacy clinic in Gurgaon with a success rate:

  • Type of surrogacy method: gestational
  • Surrogacy cost: NA
  • Success rate: NA
  • Website:

The best surrogacy clinic in Gurgaon makes its patients or clients a priority. And the above-given list of best surrogacy centre in Gurgaon includes all the centres or clinics or hospitals that treat their clients like a family member and serve their best treatment to them. Unlike other clinics, these clinics or centres never mislead their clients. They follow an ethical way of work which includes being transparent to their patients. That’s why these clinics provide counselling before starting the main treatment. Counselling is one of the key steps of their fertility treatment. In this step, they clear all the doubts of their patients regarding the process of treatment and its costing.

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    Table of Surrogacy Cost in Delhi

    Surrogacy ProcedureCost (Surrogacy Package)
    Surrogacy using own eggs & own spermsRs. 15 Lakh To 18 Lakh
    Surrogacy by donor eggs and own spermsRs. 16 Lakh to 19 Lakh
    Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggsRs. 16 Lakh to 20 Lakh
    IVF (cost) & Embryo Transfer (Cost)Up to Rs. 4 Lakh
    Surrogate Mother Selection (Cost)+ Blood Tests (Cost) + Surrogate Mother Preparation (Cost)Up to Rs. 2 Lakh
    Normal Vaginal Delivery CostUp to Rs. 70,000
    cesarean section or C-section Delivery CostUp to Rs. 1 Lakh to 2 Lakh
    Housing for Surrogate mother (Cost) + Food (Cost)Up to Rs. 3 Lakh

    Points need to be considered while taking surrogacy service in Gurgaon

    We understand how difficult it becomes to select the best option for your infertility treatment but do not get tense as one of the best options is going to suggest to you where the patient collaborates with highly experienced and qualified doctors. The patient will find it comfortable as the staff will always stand by them away from all the quarries that come to their mind. We offer all types of infertility treatment so contact us today! To start, consider the following factors while selecting a location:

    i. The patient-focused assistance of the centre

    ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

    iii. Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness

    iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

    v. Assists you throughout the entire process from the beginning

    vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

    You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91- 9899293903| Email ID: [email protected]


    Does the baby look like a surrogate mother?

    In India gestation method of surrogacy is legal, in this method, the child does not have any genetic connection to the birth mother hence it is not possible for the child to look like a surrogate mother.

    Can I choose a surrogate mother or they will?

    The centre provides the details of the surrogate mother to intended parents to choose a surrogate.

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